MushRoots Healing Study
As many of you are already aware, we have started crafting tinctures here at Roots to the Future using various herbs, plants, and mushrooms that are proven in wider circles to have healing powers and medicinal properties. We have quite aptly named this arm of the organisation MushRoots©
For the last two months, we have been working incredibly hard on our first batches mushroom tinctures. To date, we have had very promising results from many people within our circle who have been using these tinctures for a whole host of different illnesses, conditions, ailments, and dis-eases within their body and mind.
Our team have been working tirelessly to create three unique tinctures:
🍄One to help regulate diabetes, reduce tumouric size, hypertension, and severe pain.
🍄One to boost the immune system response and help prevent and alleviate constant colds/illness.
🍄One to help reduce anxiety, depression, and brain fog whilst improving focus, and clarity.
These carefully created tinctures contain ingredients with many magical attributes which I won’t get away with listing (as I am not a paid medicinal practitioner- yet ha!) However, rest assured that research in this area has been completed to such a degree, and across such a broad spectrum, that we are positive of very successful results!
With community always in mind, we have decided to offer this exciting and exclusive opportunity to you. We are inviting you to participate in a thirty-day study focusing on the benefit of using tinctures. These tinctures have been hand crafted for the benefit of our friends and family within; The Community, Roots to the Future, Building New Earth, and all our tribes further afield too. Aho!
This opportunity to be part of a real-life healing study that focuses on the astonishing properties of Natural Medicine will only arise once. As soon as our participant quota is met the study will be launched. Our products will then only be available online through our website, amazon, and Etsy at full price.
For those that wish to take part, we will be offering tinctures recommended to you on an individual basis carefully considering the issues you wish to address. To take part in this opportunity, we are asking for a small donation of £15 towards the cause, 100% of which is re-invested back into our community projects, teaching real life skills to children and adults!
This study will be incredibly beneficial for those who wish to take part and are pure of heart. Not only are we supporting people heal themselves naturally, but we are also able to further our endeavours to improve the lives of people in our community using the funds that are raised.
There are only fifty remaining available places on this study so it is crucial you get in touch with our team as soon as possible if you would like to get involved.
There is an initial form for the first part of the study, that includes a journal area in which you can outline any conditions or symptoms you are experiencing and/or which areas you would like to focus on improving. This will enable the team to carefully select one of our hand crafted tinctures that will be best suited to your needs.
We only have limited capacity for 100 individuals to take part in this exclusive opportunity. Once we have reached this number and the study has started, participants will be required to complete a daily entry for the duration of the study (30 days). This will be inclusive of a small journal entry to give participants the space to reflect and record their experiences during the study. As the study is running results will be shared on an ongoing basis to help as many people as possible heal, and benefit from what we have created. All names, email addresses and personal information will be kept under the strictest of confidence, it is only the results that will be shared.
For a chance to be involved in this ground-breaking research, please join us by completing the form which is linked below. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a member of our team, please get in touch via email.
Please note, that during this period we are receiving high numbers of emails, so our response time may be a little longer than usual, thank you for your patience during this extremely busy time.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email, we look forward to having you onboard.
Peace Love and Mushrooms 🍄🌿